Replacement Pieces
Did you lose a piece to one of our puzzles? If so, we will do our best to send a replacement piece to you. Please email us at with the following:

1. The name of the puzzle.
2. An overall image of the complete puzzle so we can get a rough idea of where the piece is located.
3. A couple of close up images so we can pinpoint the exact missing piece.
4. An image of the barcode on the back of the box. This will tell us which print number your puzzle came from and help ensure we get the right piece for you.
5. Your full name and mailing address.

If we are able to locate the missing piece, we will send one out via standard letter mail at no charge. There is no tracking number provided for this service.

Please note that there may be a minute shift in the image on the replacement piece due to the puzzle making process, but this slight shift should not be too noticeable.